Singing Guide: B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars

Singing Guide: B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars

There are a few things you should keep in mind. The collaborations between these two artists are known for their catchy melodies, hooks, and lyrics, which make them crowd-pleasers and great fun to sing. Bruno Mars' smooth and soulful delivery combined with B.o.B's rapping style creates a unique sound that can challenge the budding vocalist.

Breathing basics

To sing like these artists, you'll need to become familiar with basic breathing techniques that let you control your airflow and support your voice. Check out this guide to breathing basics to learn about active and passive breathing and how these techniques help you develop breath control for singing.

Vocal range

One way to enhance your singing skills is to learn about your vocal range, which is the range of notes that you can comfortably and consistently hit when singing. To test your vocal range, try this vocal range test that compares your pitch with famous singers. This will help you determine which B.o.B and Bruno Mars songs suit your voice.

Intuition vs. practicality

Singing requires the right balance of intuition, skill, emotion, and thinking. These elements are what distinguish an average vocalist from a great one. Check out this guide on singing with intuition, skill, emotion, and thinking to improve your understanding of singing techniques and how to master them.

Vocal techniques

As a vocalist, it's important to learn about different contemporary vocal techniques such as heavy modal, twang, and belting. These techniques can help you improve your singing style and better match the sound of B.o.B and Bruno Mars. Check out this blog post on contemporary vocal techniques to learn more about these techniques and how to perform them.

Warm-Up exercises

Before you start singing, it's important to properly warm up your voice. Consider doing this 3-minute warm-up before beginning your B.o.B and Bruno Mars practice.

Sing like Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars is known for his smooth and soulful delivery. His unique sound combines R&B, pop, and hip-hop styles. To perfect your Bruno Mars impression, listen to songs like "Nothin on You," "Grenade," and "Just The Way You Are," and pay attention to the way he uses his vocal range and vocal inflections. Check out the Beggars Bounce exercise to learn how to add vibrato to your singing, which can help you emulate Bruno Mars' style.

Sing like B.o.B

B.o.B's style of singing is heavily influenced by rap and hip-hop. To match his style, you'll need to practice rapping and singing with similar vocal techniques. Check out resources like this voice break and mixed voice tutorial to learn how to use voice registers effectively. Also, make sure to practice B.o.B songs to improve your style.

Educational singing course

If you're looking for more comprehensive singing training, check out Singing Carrots' educational singing course. With 21 lessons covering singing theory and practical vocal tips, it provides everything you need to improve your vocal skills.

By incorporating these tips and Singing Carrots' resources into your practice routine, you'll be well on your way to singing like B.o.B and Bruno Mars in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.